Month: August 2001

  • hmmm. i am back. it seems quite funny how easliy i detach myself from the electronic world (except for email….that is my one indulgence) when i am home. one of the reasons actually has to do with the computer being in my brother’s room and his obvious irritation when i come to use it…..

    been to visit a few blogs and am quite happy to see that many people are still going strong! i intend to return to my frequent blogging soon… about 2 weeks time hopefully!

    Tales of a hot summer

    this has been an interesting summer of growing up and trying to be an adult, yet at the same time, trying to be a daughter. gah….there is constant worrying on the part of parents that daughters will come to some harm etc etc etc…while sons get to go out and do any darn thing they like! dang! talk about unfair. !

    okie okie….part of it is my fault…every time i come back home, i seem to be more independent and my parents don’t like it that their little girl is growing up coz that means she needs them less….hee hee…and you should know how people act erratic when they are worried. the funniest thing was when i came home at 2:30am one day to find my mother up and fuming. i got a big scolding, plus the words, “Decent girls don’t come home so late!” (2:30am is early…early in the morning, that is..) of course i was quite put off at being confronted like this (we kids need our sleep after partying hearty! ) and i was fuming myself by the time i was in the shower. suddenly, a thought hit me: what my mother was saying was essentially a paraphrase of what my grandmother used to scold her with, the same mindset only 30 years down the road! it was something to the effect of “Why you come back so late? Like Lai Cheong (the neighborhood bar girl)!” hahaha! and my mom turned out fine!

    this put me in a vastly better mood, but gave my mom some consternation when i told her about it, coz the last thing she wanted to do is to turn out like her mom…..

    and so the story goes!